Monday, July 1, 2013


Worth Bank by  Katie Ganshert

"Every day you wait deposits more in the "worth bank" of your child. In our world of Fast, only the best treasures are waited for, and even then, not for long. But every day you wait is a statement your child can treasure as s/he grows up. A number s/he can hold on to, to know how very much s/he was cherished before s/he even arrived. This is a huge weapon against the feelings of rejection and being unwanted that many adopted kids face (even after their adoption). Other than parents who battle infertility before conceiving, only adoptive parents have this "we loved you so much we WAITED for you" gift to give their kids. So these days aren't wasted. You're making deposits every single day! You're building her a great gift. Hang in there!!"

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great way to look at the waiting (other than the learning/trusting part which sometimes of course is like "REALLY?!?!") :o) Anyway, thanks for posting this Jamallia! Still praying regularly for your family!!
